
5/1/06: Grr tried to update Color at school.. Didnt work, GRRR!!! (I ADDED DIS PAGE AT SCH00LZORZ) Ok im to l33t right now..XD , Finally changed color at home
5/2/06: Ok this is important news, ive just learned im going to confirmation camp on june 26-30th And then on friday my parents are gonna pick me up and take me to our second house with them for another week. Im not gonna be able to update the site cause we have no internet up there in yucca, Probobly im gonna get IDontChat or somebody else to update the site..I have a few weeks to see so its plenty enough time to find a replacement. Email me aT for questions..

5/7/06: ATTACK OF THE ADS!!! Theres ads on my website which makes it look a little bit worse, ill try to configure the website layout so the adds dont bother u that much, sorry about them, Stupid 50 Megs!!
5/20/06: Well,I have a new BTP Theme Song, And i might add some more pages to this, More cool places, if their are any glitches email me you know, Like 3-5 weeks untill school ends and it's summer, PWNAGE!! Im also working on a new project called Desert realm rpg, Check it out more on the Forums If that link doesnt work try This One I perfer the non .tk one

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